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Art and Design Camp – Cedarville University

Art and Design Camp

Arts College Prep Academic

Cedarville University

Date/Time: Jul 7 - 11, 2025    
Ages: 15-19
Cost: $450.00
Registration deadline: Jun 23, 2025

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Cedarville’s Art and Design Camp presents students an introduction to three areas of visual art: studio art, graphic design, and industrial design. This camp is aimed at providing students an understanding of some of the basic principles of art and design used in constructing a variety of visual concepts for both traditional and digital media. This goal will be achieved through instruction, group discussion, and hands-on experience in these three disciplines of visual art. The studio art portion of the camp will focus on seeing and responding visually using a variety of traditional studio techniques. The graphic design portion of the camp will expose students to theory, approaches, and techniques used in developing target-focused design solutions. This will include experience using state-of-the-art computer systems and software in the execution of digital design concepts. The industrial design component of the camp will expose students to the world of industrial design by visits to design studios, discussions with industrial designers, and demonstrations by designers.


Cedarville University
251 N. Main Street
Cedarville, OH 45314


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