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Session Results

Session Results

Programs for kids between 3 and 5 years old in category "Nature"
Showing 1 - 15 of 124 matches
May 3, 2025 10:00am - 11:00am | Ages: 5 - 99
Join the Girl Scouts for our relaxing and rejuvenating Mindful Morning free all-ages yoga session at camp on May 3, 2025, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m in Edwardsville, IL. This outdoor yoga opportunity is open to all Girl Scouts, no matter your experience level. Please bring your family, troop, and yoga mats and enjoy the fresh air while we unwind and practice mindfulness together. This free event is open to all our members, from Daisy to Adults! Bring your water bottle, a positive attitude, and a yoga mat or towel. Let's stretch, breathe, and relax together in gratitude for all the Girl Scouts who help make our world a better place! For the safety of our girls, the event location will be shared after registration is completed.
May 3, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am | Ages: 5 - 99
Join the Girl Scouts for our relaxing and rejuvenating Mindful Morning free all-ages yoga session in the park on May 3, 2025, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m in Mt Vernon, IL. This outdoor yoga opportunity is open to all Girl Scouts, no matter your experience level. Please bring your family, troop, and yoga mats and enjoy the fresh air while we unwind and practice mindfulness together. This free event is open to all our members, from Daisy to Adults! Bring your water bottle, a positive attitude, and a yoga mat or towel. Let's stretch, breathe, and relax together in gratitude for all the Girl Scouts who help make our world a better place! For the safety of our girls, the event location will be shared after registration is completed.
Feb 14, 2025 8:00am - 3:00pm | Ages: 5 - 6
Single day camps designed for younger kids (ages 5 & 6). 8:00am-3:00pm. Requirements: No previous experience required. Goals: Become an independent rider, and learn to lead, groom, and tack a horse using miniature horses.
Sports Nature
Jan 18, 2025 10:30am - 11:15am | Ages: 3 - 5
Engineering is the process of using science and technology to solve real-world problems. Today’s preschoolers are tomorrow’s engineers and problem-solvers! In each 45-minute class we use will use a thought-provoking storybook to engage children in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) challenges, exploration and play. Little engineers will learn science and math concepts as they design and create solutions to problems connected to the characters in the story or their everyday lives.
Stem Nature
Feb 1, 2025 10:30am - 11:15am | Ages: 3 - 5
Engineering is the process of using science and technology to solve real-world problems. Today’s preschoolers are tomorrow’s engineers and problem-solvers! In each 45-minute class we use will use a thought-provoking storybook to engage children in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) challenges, exploration and play. Little engineers will learn science and math concepts as they design and create solutions to problems connected to the characters in the story or their everyday lives.
Stem Nature
Feb 27, 2025 10:30am - 11:15am | Ages: 3 - 5
Engineering is the process of using science and technology to solve real-world problems. Today’s preschoolers are tomorrow’s engineers and problem-solvers! In each 45-minute class we use will use a thought-provoking storybook to engage children in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) challenges, exploration and play. Little engineers will learn science and math concepts as they design and create solutions to problems connected to the characters in the story or their everyday lives.
Nature Stem
Feb 17, 2025 8:00am - 3:00pm | Ages: 5 - 6
Single day camps designed for younger kids (ages 5 & 6). 8:00am-3:00pm. Requirements: No previous experience required. Goals: Become an independent rider, and learn to lead, groom, and tack a horse using miniature horses.
Sports Nature
Jan 19, 2025 1:00pm - 1:45pm | Ages: 3 - 5
Engineering is the process of using science and technology to solve real-world problems. Today’s preschoolers are tomorrow’s engineers and problem-solvers! In each 45-minute class we use will use a thought-provoking storybook to engage children in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) challenges, exploration and play. Little engineers will learn science and math concepts as they design and create solutions to problems connected to the characters in the story or their everyday lives.
Nature Stem
Feb 2, 2025 1:00pm - 1:45pm | Ages: 3 - 5
Engineering is the process of using science and technology to solve real-world problems. Today’s preschoolers are tomorrow’s engineers and problem-solvers! In each 45-minute class we use will use a thought-provoking storybook to engage children in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) challenges, exploration and play. Little engineers will learn science and math concepts as they design and create solutions to problems connected to the characters in the story or their everyday lives.
Stem Nature
Mar 1, 2025 10:30am - 11:15am | Ages: 3 - 5
Engineering is the process of using science and technology to solve real-world problems. Today’s preschoolers are tomorrow’s engineers and problem-solvers! In each 45-minute class we use will use a thought-provoking storybook to engage children in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) challenges, exploration and play. Little engineers will learn science and math concepts as they design and create solutions to problems connected to the characters in the story or their everyday lives.
Nature Stem
Feb 15, 2025 10:30am - 11:15am | Ages: 3 - 5
Engineering is the process of using science and technology to solve real-world problems. Today’s preschoolers are tomorrow’s engineers and problem-solvers! In each 45-minute class we use will use a thought-provoking storybook to engage children in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) challenges, exploration and play. Little engineers will learn science and math concepts as they design and create solutions to problems connected to the characters in the story or their everyday lives.
Stem Nature
Jan 16, 2025 10:30am - 11:15am | Ages: 3 - 5
Engineering is the process of using science and technology to solve real-world problems. Today’s preschoolers are tomorrow’s engineers and problem-solvers! In each 45-minute class we use will use a thought-provoking storybook to engage children in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) challenges, exploration and play. Little engineers will learn science and math concepts as they design and create solutions to problems connected to the characters in the story or their everyday lives.
Stem Nature
Jan 30, 2025 10:30am - 11:15am | Ages: 3 - 5
Engineering is the process of using science and technology to solve real-world problems. Today’s preschoolers are tomorrow’s engineers and problem-solvers! In each 45-minute class we use will use a thought-provoking storybook to engage children in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) challenges, exploration and play. Little engineers will learn science and math concepts as they design and create solutions to problems connected to the characters in the story or their everyday lives.
Nature Stem
Feb 16, 2025 1:00pm - 1:45pm | Ages: 3 - 5
Engineering is the process of using science and technology to solve real-world problems. Today’s preschoolers are tomorrow’s engineers and problem-solvers! In each 45-minute class we use will use a thought-provoking storybook to engage children in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) challenges, exploration and play. Little engineers will learn science and math concepts as they design and create solutions to problems connected to the characters in the story or their everyday lives.
Nature Stem
Feb 13, 2025 10:30am - 11:15am | Ages: 3 - 5
Engineering is the process of using science and technology to solve real-world problems. Today’s preschoolers are tomorrow’s engineers and problem-solvers! In each 45-minute class we use will use a thought-provoking storybook to engage children in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) challenges, exploration and play. Little engineers will learn science and math concepts as they design and create solutions to problems connected to the characters in the story or their everyday lives.
Nature Stem

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