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Crayola® Wild World at St. Charles Community College – Crayola Imagine Arts Academy

Crayola® Wild World at St. Charles Community College

Arts Scholarships available Academic

Crayola Imagine Arts Academy

Date/Time: Jul 28, 2025 - Aug 1, 2025     9:00am - 3:00pm
Ages: 5-12
Cost: $329.00
Registration deadline: Jul 22, 2025

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Elephant Silhouettes and Dancing Jellyfish: Learn about elephants and the conservationists working to protect them, while using a silhouette painting technique to create elephant and tree shadows on a canvas sunset. Dive into jellyfish. Create colorful, mixed media hanging jellyfish.
Lion Sculptures and Coiled Turtles: Lions are majestic animals and fearsome predators. Learn how to create your own lion sculptures and design savannah habitat dioramas for them. Discover turtles & create unique turtle sculptures to inspire people and raise awareness.
Polar Bear Models and Hanging with Orangutans: Learn about polar bears Use clay to sculpt polar bears on an ice floe. Then use paints and mixing mediums to create the effects of fur and ice. Create animal-themed art projects and learn about orangutans.
Slithering Snakes and Owl Collage: Snakes' skin has a unique texture and come in a wide range of patterns. Design your own three-dimensional, patterned snakes. Create animal-themed art projects and learn about owls.
Speckled Frogs and Watercolor Sharks and Fish: Find out about colorful frogs. Use a salt technique to paint speckled, watercolor frogs. Use simple shapes to draw them swimming in a coral reef. Then add watercolor paint to create a colorful scene under the sea and learn about Eugenie Clark.

Registration Information:

Click here to register



St. Charles Community College
4601 Mid Rivers Mall Dr
Cottleville, MO 63376


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