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Summer Institute for the Gifted

Summer Institute for the Gifted

Academic Arts Career Competitive application process Needs based scholarship Non residential Residential Specialty Sports Stem
Price: Contact Program
Grade Range: 9-17 Age Range: Any
1 High Ridge Park Stamford, CT 06905
(866) 303-4744

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Through 34 Years of experience & resources in gifted education, SIG provides a unique environment for gifted and talented students to connect with peers in a community of like-minded learners from all over the world who share common interests, abilities, and goals. Students will benefit from unique programming, which combines academics with social, cultural, and recreational opportunities for a truly engaging summer. Courses are led by qualified instructors who have expertise in their disciplines and represent an array of professional backgrounds. These 3-week summer sessions will allow your child to mature and develop in every element of life, develop long-lasting and meaningful relationships, increase self-confidence, and think in divergent ways, all within a safe and secure environment at a prestigious campus. No matter which program option you choose, you can rest assured that the overall atmosphere of SIG will uncover, nurture, and grow your child’s gifts. The Summer Institute for the Gifted (SIG) began in 1984 with a single session in New Jersey and has expanded over the past 31 summers to include 11 residential sessions in 8 states and 15 day programs. In 2015, we served close to 2,500 academically gifted students ages 5-17. SIG provides academically advanced students with an interesting and challenging educational experience. The program combines remarkable academic courses with cultural, social, and recreational opportunities. The academic program is central to the design and purpose of SIG. Our program provides students with academic challenges designed to fit their abilities and interests. It also provides them with the opportunity to engage with other students who have similar abilities and interests. Because of our small classes, low teacher-student ratio, and teaching assistants, we are able to individualize the program for each and every student. Meeting other diverse students who are interested in learning provides a sense of belonging that many gifted students seek. The richness of a broad range of geographical, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds, the stimulation created by talented and intellectually engaged students working and playing together, the depth and diversity of the SIG faculty and staff, and the beautiful and well-equipped college campus environments create a perfect atmosphere for learning, growing and accomplishing meaningful goals.


Summer Institute for the Gifted
1 High Ridge Park
Stamford, CT 06905


There are no sessions yet, but check back soon!

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